(Excuse the unmade bed - I had my bedding in the wash.) This is one of my favorite things to walk in and find!!! The kids love to play games-especially with their dad. Andy started playing War with the little girls a while back because it was a game they could easily understand and play, and they beg him to play it with them all the time. He is so good about taking the time to play games with the kids. After finishing the dishes tonight, I went in to our room to see what Andy was up to, and he and Ashlee were on our bed watching a Jazz basketball game and playing war. She was giggling and smiling the whole time. I am so thankful he takes the time to make these fun memories with the kids. Yesterday, he was downstairs playing a new Wii game with boys and at another point he was playing some new dice games we got for Christmas with the girls. I am so lucky to be married to my best friend!!! He works so hard to provide for us and I am thankful it allows me to stay home with the kids. He serves faithfully in his church callings and takes the time to fulfill his role as dad and husband. It just doesn't get any better than this!!!
Magnificent May 2021
3 years ago
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