Friday, April 24th, was a cold, windy day, but approximately 75 Westside students ventured to the high school track to complete the last 1.2 miles of their marathon they had been working on running for the last several months. Aidan was one of those qualifiers!! K-2 only had to do a half marathon, but 12 miles is still a lot to do considering they gave up several of their recesses to run those miles. I was able to drop the girls off with my grandma so I could be there to cheer him on and even run the last lap with him. What a trooper he was! Aidan is such a fun little boy (yes, he is still little but I think he might be growing!). He has one of those personalities that just makes you smile! He is friends with everyone! He knows how to make you laugh but also how to get under your skin to get a reaction. He knows which buttons to push with each of his siblings, yet he is right there to cheer them up or help whenever they are sad. He just keeps us smiling!
Magnificent May 2021
3 years ago
What a great post! I'm so glad you guys were able to do that!
Way to go buddy! What a great accomplishment!
Looks like Aidan is going to be an athlete just like his Mamma!
What a tough kid. I'm not sure I would have braved the weather! And yes, in my blog I was talking about the "castle" park. We don't go there very often since we have a little one just down the block and it's easy to just walk to. But when they get really bored, we try out the other ones. I think that's one of their favorites.
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