Sunday, April 19, 2009

Kenna turns 2

April 4, 2009 was Kenna's 2nd birthday! When she woke up, we told her happy birthday and that she was 2 today. Her reply, "I not two. I one. It not my birthday." We tried to convince her all day that it really was her birthday, but she just didn't believe us. Guess it was okay that we couldn't celebrate it for a few days. But when Monday came around and it was birthday party time, she finally started to realize what it was all about. She was so excited for her family to come and to get presents. We started asking her about a month or so before her birthday what she wanted. Everytime she told us a "Dora Boots backpack." It never changed. She told all her grandmas and grandpas this too.

As you can see she got her Dora Boots backpack. Too bad I don't have a picture of what the front of the backpack looks like. It is so adorable! She also got a Dora baby, another baby, some absolutely adorable spring/summer clothes and dress, cute Easter egg, and a princess nightgown. She was in heaven! Kenna loves baby dolls. She plays with them a lot during the day. She loves to use Ashlee's swing, saucer, car seat, and high chair for her babies. She feeds them, changes their diapers, gives them baths, and sings to them. She is such a good mommy! Her new backpack usually has a baby or two in it also. To end her special day, she wanted to dance with Daddy. She is such a Daddy's girl. She misses him while he is at work and cries for him several times a day. She is usually right there to great him when he comes home from work. She stands at the top of the stairs yelling, "Daddy!! Daddy!!"

Kenna is such a fun little girl, but I do have to admit telling Andy today that if our older three had been like her when they were two we might have stopped after Megan and that Heavenly Father knew we needed to have Ashlee come before Kenna hit this stage cause we probably wouldn't have had Ashlee cause I don't think I would have wanted a baby on top of Kenna's antics. Kenna's smile just melts me. Her sweet little voice just makes me smile. Her fun little gallop as she comes down the hall makes me giggle. But she is also such a handful!!

She has not had a pacifier since she was 14 or 15 months old, but she just can't help her self when she sees on of Ashlee's pacifiers. She sneaks them whenever possible. I find her with the pacifiers in her mouth as she hides behind the couch, in cupboards, in closet, wherever she can go cause she just NEEDS it. She will climb into Ashlee's crib just to get one. I have never seen a child so addicted to something that she has not had for a long time. She also loves to climb into Ashlee's crib to wake Ashlee up. She just can't stand for Ashlee to be taking a nap. She wants to hug her, hold her, and kiss her all the time. I am glad she loves her so much, but I really need Ashlee to sleep sometimes. Kenna also loves clothes! She loves to change her clothes constantly all day long. She also loves Megan's clothes and often comes out of her room very proud of herself for having found a "cute Megan clothes" to wear. Just yesterday I found her with Aidan's dirty (GROSS!!) underwear around her waist and his Superman pajamas on over the top. I couldn't help but laugh and just waited for her to decide on her next outfit for the day and then promptly put Aidan's stuff in the laundry.

One of Kenna's favorite foods is fruit snacks. The thing that is hard to resist when she asks for them is her way of saying it. She call them "new nacks." We have had to put a baby proof knob on the pantry door so she can't just freely help herself to them. Kenna also loves pizza, pop tarts, and crunch berry cereal. She is not a picky eater though, which is very nice. I know that my challenge as her mother is to channel her endless energy and stubborness in the right direction. It can be used to do a lot of good in her life if I can teach her to use it to be stubborn in the right things. She loves going to church and nursery. She loves her nursery teachers and friends. She loves learning about Jesus, and she loves to sing! Her favorite Primary songs are "Popcorn," "Sunbeam," and "Child's Prayer." I am so thankful for my sweet little Kenna. She is a handful, but she reminds me daily to be thankful for the little things that Heavenly Father has given us. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father has allowed me the chance to be her mother. The eight months I was pregnant with her were full of stress and worry, but I am so thankful that He blessed me with a healthy, beautiful child. I am amazed at His trust in me to be her mother. Kenna, I love you, my baby!


ozzmom said...

How sweet it is so sad how fast they grow we have to make sure we charish every moment we have with them.

Kimberly said...

What a great post! She's only 4 months older than my little girl! It sounds like she and my little boy would be two peas in a pod! It sure can be trying, but you just love them anyway, right? ;) I love the picture of you and her together.

Kimberly said...

Crazy how they're growing up so fast. I wish Kennedy and Kenna could play together more. :( And that's an amazing picture you have at the top of the blog. It looks SO GOOD!