Sunday, February 21, 2010

What It's All About

Family is really what's it's all about! I was taught this lesson all through high school and I continue to learn it as an adult. I am not discounting my friends because I need them, love them, cherish them, and don't know what I would do without them. But as I am keeping this as a journal for my children, I want them to know that nothing can replace the love and support of their family - immediate and extended. I have been blessed with an amazing family - a husband that adores me, loves me, would do anything for me, works so hard to keep this family running; 5 amazing children that teach me so much each day, teach me about patience, teach me about unconditional love, teach me about laughing and enjoy life, teach me about learning and growing and admitting my mistakes, and teach me about the love Heavenly Father and our Savior have for us. I have been blessed with wonderful parents that never quit being parents, that have helped me become who I am, that are the best grandparents in the world. I have been blessed with 5 amazing siblings that I call my best friends. I have grandparents that are so supportive and are such wonderful examples to my children and me. I have also been blessed to marry into an incredible family too. There are no inlaw jokes in this house. I couldn't have asked for a better set of second parents. I feel just as comfortable in their home as I do my parent's home. They love me and my children and are the best grandparents. I have wonderful brother and sister-in-laws, nieces and nephews, and grandmas that bring so much fun into our life. What a wonderful built in support system our Heavenly Father has given us!! I am thankful to know that families can be forever! I am thankful for my temple marriage and the knowledge I have that if we do our best to live worthy of the promised blessings, we can continue to be a family for eternity!!


Camille said...

So well said -- and I love all of the photos!

christy said...

I feel the same!

Kimberly said...

Such cute, cute pictures! You have a great family!