Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19, 2012 - Such a sweet sight

Tonight we had Aidan's family birthday party.  We are so blessed to live by both sets of our parents and all the great-grandparents.  These nights are a fun time to visit and build on the memories he kids have with their grandparents.  After all the goodies were eaten and presents were opened, the kids spread out to play and grandparents enjoyed time visiting.  Sweet little Ashlee just adores all her grandparents and loves to spend time with them.  Tonight she really wanted to play a game with Grandma Kathy and she thought Papa should play too.  So Candyland it was!!!  They made it so no one had to sit on the floor by using the piano bench for the game table.  She was in heaven!!!  I love this sweet moments of wonderful memories being formed!

1 comment:

Joni said...

That is awesome! We too love living close to grandparents. The memories are priceless! Good for you for also remembering to capture it on film! :)