Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 15 2012

This is my new duvet cover I finished today! My old one shrunk the first time I washed it, but I paid so much for it that I just kept using it. (I couldn't return it.) It was still nice, but kind of a pain. Then it seemed like it was getting spilled on all the time, and it was such a pain to wash. I was also getting tired of my bedroom colors and wanted a change. So I started looking around on Pinterest and found several different ones I liked. They were cute and fun, but I wasn't sure if Andy would really go for some of them, plus some looked like they might cost about as much as a store bought one especially if you added in my time. And then I came across one that looked similar to this one. It is made out of 2 flat sheets and still has some style but is very washable. It took me a while to get it done cause of interruptions and a few technical difficulties, but I am pretty pleased with how it turned out. I just need to finish off the top when I get some cute buttons or something to close off the top, but since my pillows cover the top it doesn't really matter right now. Now I am excited to get my new sheets on the bed and make some new throw pillows. But one thing at a time.

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